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AI Outpacing Humanity: Navigating the Implications of GenAI's Evolution

I'm worried for the first time. All along I was telling people that we are okay, we got this covered. This is the first time that I'm truly concerned. If you consider GenAI, GPT models or chat GPT, we are all fascinated by how powerful they are. And the thing is, right now they are trained on known knowledge of humanity. So everything that we provided these models as training data is everything that we already knew. So they don't know anything in addition to us, right? All their knowledge is our knowledge. And very soon their knowledge will exceed the collective knowledge of humanity. And their ability to analyze, summarize, and produce recommendations, also already exceeding our ability to do that. So very soon we are going to have AI tools quite far, far, far, far outsmart. Not every individual person, but all of humanity as a whole. And then all of these guidelines that we have become useless. The whole topic of human agency becomes meaningless. - Arash Bateni, Ph.D.

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